NewbieProfil von queenofmadness
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Freunde (2)
Profilaufrufe: | 191 Aufrufe |
Mitglied seit: | 23.01.2015 |
Zuletzt Online: | Vor 119 Monaten |
Online Zeit (30 Tage): | 0 Minute(n) |
Online Zeit (Gesamt): | 32 Minute(n) |
Prozent: [ Lade Benutzer Rank... ] |
Benutzername: | queenofmadness |
Name: | - Bitte einloggen - |
Geschlecht: | Weiblich |
Ort: | - Bitte einloggen - |
Alter: | - Bitte einloggen - |
Nerds: | 60 |
Funkspruch: | Habe Lust auf Smalltalk |
Lieblingszitat: | “If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.” ― Albert Einstein |
Über mich: | I'm just a new musican, showing the world my mind through my music. I'd like to say I'm something special, but I think everyone is something special. Everyone is meant to do something great to the world... |
Über mich 2: | ... even if it's 'just' to make a bunch of people feel good about themselves because of lyrics that show them that they are not alone. |
Über mich 3: | So that's me. Somebody who wants to show lost souls that they might not be as alone as their sadness wants them to feel. |
Kontakt: | |