NewbieProfile of AstoriaGreengrass

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Profile views: 17 Views
Member since: 09/25/2016
Last online: 101 months ago
Online time (30 days): 0 minute(s)
Online time (total): 5 minute(s)
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Username: AstoriaGreengrass
Name: - Please login -
Gender: male
City: - Please login -
Age: - Please login -
Nerds: 25


Über mich: “Put your hands on my knees, she said, and think of me as a book you've been dying to read.”
Über mich 2: Draco about Astoria: She rescued me. I own her my life, my love. There is no more amiable person in the world than her. Astoria is as pure as nobody else. So innocent and good-natured. There is no reason anyone could harm her, because she is like a beauti